Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Update a Record Using a Trigger with SELECT Statement RE: Update a Record Using a Trigger with SELECT Statement

  • Your trigger has one major flow.

    When INSERT operation is performed the TRIGGER is fired for an operation, not for every inserted record.

    The way your trigger is written it will only process your logic for one of the inserted records.

    You should never read from INSERTED or DELETED into variables in triggers.

    Here is example of how it should be done properly:

    ALTER TRIGGER TR_Update_Interaction

    ON dbo.cust_hist




    UPDATE cust_hist

    SET notes = v.consignment

    FROM cust_hist ch

    JOIN inserted i

    ON i.tkey = ch.tkey

    JOIN VLoadnoteCarr v

    ON v.load_note = i.primary_ref


    Now, if it still doesn't update as expected, you need to analyse JOINs. Are they using relevant key columns?

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