• Thanks for your response.

    Well, I am trying to have a recursive function for the below calculation

    Calculation starts fromt the last task

    (level_task*duaration_task) + percent_task (5*6)+10 = 40

    the result goes to percent_task of above task that is

    in (4*6)+40(result from the below) = 64

    goes like that untill task 1.5, where 1.5 will have 94 as the value.

    From 1.4 new calaculation, since it doesnt have any child task value will be 40

    For task 1.3 = 20

    like that for task 1.2 = 123

    In the End we need to add the task 1.5+1.4.+1.3+1.2+1.1

    I hope, this is more understandable.