• does this example, where I'm applying some styles to the results help?

    note i have to do a find/replace to the string to unescape some characters;

    DECLARE @HTMLBody varchar(max)

    Select @HTMLBody = (Select Row_Number() Over(Order By is_linked, name) % 2 As [TRRow],

    name As


    product As


    provider As


    data_source As


    is_linked As

    From sys.servers

    Order By is_linked, name

    For XML raw('tr'), Elements)

    Set @HTMLBody = Replace(@HTMLBody, '_x0020_', space(1))

    Set @HTMLBody= Replace(@HTMLBody,'_x0022_','"')

    Set @HTMLBody= Replace(@HTMLBody,'_x003B_',';')

    Set @HTMLBody = Replace(@HTMLBody, '_x003D_', '=')

    Set @HTMLBody = Replace(@HTMLBody, '<tr><TRRow>1</TRRow>', '<tr bgcolor="#C6CFFF">')

    Set @HTMLBody = Replace(@HTMLBody, '<TRRow>0</TRRow>', '')

    Select '<table>' + @HTMLBody + '</table>'


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