• Exactly what I did, but the copy permission was not there 🙂

    SpringTownDBA (10/1/2012)

    Sql server should have permissions to copy the file, so xp_cmdshell.

    My approach for moving databases:

    1. Alter DB set single_user rollback immediate

    2. Alter db set offline

    3. xp_cmdshell to copy mdf/ldf to new location, if error, goto 6.

    4. xp_cmdshell to rename old files from data.mdf to data_old.mdf

    5. Alter DB to point to files on new drive.

    6. Alter db set online

    7. Alter db set multi_user

    Online Trainer For SQL DBA and Developer @RedBushTechnologies with 18 yrs exp.