• Need to modify it slightly to fit your requirements. but this is my solution to rotate table vertically

    Look like forum does not allow the drop statements for temporary tables, that was why it blew up (both on IE and firefox), so add 3 drop statements for temp tables at the end.

    --create some test tables with test data for demo purpose

    create table #question (questionId int identity(1,1), question varchar(100) )

    create table #answer (answerId int identity(1,1), questionId int, answer varchar(100))

    insert into #question(question)

    select 'You are old?' union all

    select 'You are smart?' union all

    select 'You are rich?' union all

    select 'You are loved?'

    insert into #answer(questionId, answer)

    select 1,'True' union all

    select 2,'False' union all

    select 3,'False'

    --retrieve desired data

    create table #temp (fieldName varchar(100),fieldValue varchar(100), sortOrder int identity(1,1) )

    insert into #temp(fieldName,fieldValue)

    exec ('select question, answer from #answer right join #question on #answer.questionid=#question.questionId where 1=1');

    --generate sql statement to rotate table dynamically

    declare @sql as varchar(8000)

    set @sql = 'select ';

    select @sql = @sql + '[' + fieldName+']=isnull((select fieldValue from #temp where fieldName='''+fieldName+'''),null),'

    from #temp

    order by sortOrder

    set @sql = SUBSTRING(@sql, 1, LEN(@sql)-1)

    print @sql
