Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server Newbies How can I count the number of occurances of a string in an ntext column for each record? RE: How can I count the number of occurances of a string in an ntext column for each record?

  • laurie-789651 (10/1/2012)

    This appears to work:

    I've elected to show rows where both values are zero in case these are wrong - You can remove this if you want.

    I've set MAXRECURSION to 10, but you can increase this if necessary...


    DROP TABLE dbo.tblHTML;

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblHTML](

    [RowId] [int] NOT NULL,

    [strPage] [ntext] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    insert into dbo.tblHTML values ( 1, '<table>www</table><table>xxx</table><table>yyy</table>zzz</table>' );

    insert into dbo.tblHTML values ( 2, '<table>xxx</table><table>yyy</table><table>zzz</table>' );

    insert into dbo.tblHTML values ( 3, '>xxx</table><table>yyy</table><table>zzz</table>' );

    insert into dbo.tblHTML values ( 4, '>xxx</table>' );

    insert into dbo.tblHTML values ( 5, '>xxx</table' );

    insert into dbo.tblHTML values ( 6, '<table>xxx</table>' );

    DECLARE @SearchHTMLStart Varchar(30), @SearchHTMLEnd Varchar(30);

    SET @SearchHTMLStart = '<table>';

    SET @SearchHTMLEnd = '</table>';

    WITH CTE_Start AS


    SELECT RowId,

    Occurrence = CASE WHEN CHARINDEX ( @SearchHTMLStart ,[strPage] , 0 ) > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,

    Location = CHARINDEX ( @SearchHTMLStart ,[strPage] , 0 )

    FROM dbo.tblHTML


    SELECT h.RowId,

    Occurrence = CASE WHEN CHARINDEX ( @SearchHTMLStart ,h.[strPage] , c.Location +1 ) > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,

    Location = CHARINDEX ( @SearchHTMLStart ,h.[strPage] , c.Location +1 )

    FROM dbo.tblHTML h

    INNER JOIN CTE_Start c ON h.RowId = c.RowId

    WHERE Occurrence > 0


    CTE_End AS


    SELECT RowId,

    Occurrence = CASE WHEN CHARINDEX ( @SearchHTMLEnd ,[strPage] , 0 ) > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,

    Location = CHARINDEX ( @SearchHTMLEnd ,[strPage] , 0 )

    FROM dbo.tblHTML


    SELECT h.RowId,

    Occurrence = CASE WHEN CHARINDEX ( @SearchHTMLEnd ,h.[strPage] , c.Location +1 ) > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,

    Location = CHARINDEX ( @SearchHTMLEnd ,h.[strPage] , c.Location +1 )

    FROM dbo.tblHTML h

    INNER JOIN CTE_End c ON h.RowId = c.RowId

    WHERE Occurrence > 0


    CTE_Start_Sum AS


    SELECT s.RowId, SUM(s.Occurrence) as NumberStart

    FROM CTE_Start s

    GROUP BY s.RowId


    CTE_End_Sum AS


    SELECT e.RowId, SUM(e.Occurrence) as NumberEnd

    FROM CTE_End e

    GROUP BY e.RowId


    SELECT ISNULL(s.RowId, e.RowId) as RowId, NumberStart, NumberEnd

    FROM CTE_Start_Sum s

    INNER JOIN CTE_End_Sum e ON s.RowId = e.RowId

    WHERE (NumberStart <> NumberEnd) OR (NumberStart = 0 AND NumberEnd = 0)


    I'm informed it won't work properly:

    CHARINDEX won't work properly with ntext, you have to cast to VARCHAR(max), otherwise it stops working at 8000 characters

    Thanks ChrisM@Work 🙂