• ...

    The ranges of the two types have been discussed already, but there is another consideration:

    -- Result is $1.0000 typed as smallmoney

    DECLARE @credit smallmoney = $1.99;

    SELECT @credit / 10000 * 10000;


    -- Result is 1.9900000000 typed as decimal (21, 10)

    DECLARE @credit decimal(9,4) = 1.99;

    SELECT @credit / 10000 * 10000;


    In the above example by Paul White, you can see where the rounding happens and how it can potentially cause issues.

    So, If you work with monetary datatypes you should understand how SQL works with them and when rounding is performed. Try this one:

    -- Result is $1.99 typed as smallmoney

    DECLARE @credit smallmoney = $1.99;

    SELECT @credit * 10000 / 10000;

    The reason it works fine for decimal is that SQL converts result of decimal(9,4) division by integer to decimal(21,10)

    Check this one:

    SELECT 1.99 / 10000.00

    SELECT 1.99 / 10000.0

    SELECT 1.99 / 10000

    SELECT 1.9900 / 10000.00

    SELECT 1.9900 / 10000.0

    SELECT 1.9900 / 10000

    So, I do prefer working with decimals as there are less thing to worry about, but sometimes you stuck with what you have. So, you should know implications and ways around.


    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

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