• Perry Whittle (9/25/2012)

    opc.three (9/25/2012)

    I didn't think locked pages were part of the working set which is why Task Manager lies to us but maybe locked_page_allocations_kb is not what I am thinking it represents. I don't have a 2008 machine with LPIM enabled at the moment to try it out so all my instance have 0 for locked_page_allocations_kb.

    AWE mapped memory is not part of the working set 😉

    This is how I arrived at the original query and question whether anyone could confirm. I think I was reading the 2012 docs though.

    From 2012 docs

    physical_memory_in_use_kb: Indicates the process working set in KB, as reported by operating system, as well as tracked allocations by using large page APIs. Not nullable.

    locked_page_allocations_kb: Specifies memory pages locked in memory. Not nullable.

    No mention of AWE APIs.

    Then in the 2008 R2 docs

    physical_memory_in_use: Process working set in KB, as reported by operating system, plus tracked allocations done by using large page and AWE APIs.

    locked_page_allocations_kb: Physical memory that is allocated by using AWE APIs.

    Some things changed in 2012 with memory settings, specifically which memory counts against the 'max memory' setting, but there was a change to the docs here as well but is there really a difference in these column values? I'll have to test it out.

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