• Hi,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Out put of your query is 35GB which I have set for max server memory.

    I got some query from blog of SSC only which give the utilization of buffer.

    With CTE_BP(DatabaseName, BufferSizeInMB )




    case when DB_NAME(b.database_id) is null then 'Resource DB' else DB_NAME(b.database_id) end AS database_name

    ,(cast(COUNT(*) as decimal(20,2)) * 8192.00) / (1024.00 * 1024) AS buffer_count_MB

    FROM sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors AS b

    GROUP BY b.database_id


    select * from CTE_BP order by BufferSizeInMB desc

    Here is the out put memory in MB

    db1 18035.23438

    db2 5483.632813


    db3 1926.796875

    db4 718.359375

    msdb 98.3828125

    Resource DB 18.625


    model 0.359375

    If I some up this 29001.63281 MB. So now what is the difference between bpool_commited memory & buffer descriptor memory. Can I some how know the details of 35GB utilization same like buffer descriptor memory so that I can properly justify the 35GB as the max server memory setting.