• You cannot replicate a regular view because in a regular view the data is not materialized. You can however replicate an indexed view for that same reason.

    It sounds like one of your issues is that you are using nested views. Nesting views in SQL Server is an anti-pattern and it sounds like you have reached a level of complexity to where it is causing problems for the database engine. By attempting to materialize the data in the outer view you are only treating the symptom. I would suggest you do a design and performance review on all your views. You may be better off making some of the inner views referenced in your outer view into indexed views.

    See Sin Indulging in Nested Views > The Seven Sins against TSQL Performance (31 July 2012) by Grant Fritchey[/url]

    Detangling Nested Views (June 30, 2010) by Jen McCown[/url]

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.