Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Decimal to DateTime2 conversion SQL SERVER 2008 help RE: Decimal to DateTime2 conversion SQL SERVER 2008 help

  • jampabsatish (9/21/2012)

    Hi ,

    I need to convert the varchar(30) to datetime2 in SQL server , which works well in a select statement


    --cast(convert(datetime2,cast(clx.aprvdt as varchar(10)),101)as datetime2) ApprovalDate

    --from CLMEXPM clx where clx.aprvdt<>0

    but when i join multiple columns to it give me an error

    Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 5

    Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.

    select distinct

    convert(datetime,CONVERT(nvarchar(27),clx.aprvdt)) as ADate

    --,convert(datetime,cast(clx.aprvdt as varchar(30)),101) as ApprovalDate

    --,convert(datetime2,cast(clx.aprvdt as varchar(10)),101) as ApprovalDate

    --,cast(cast(clx.aprvdt as varchar(10)) as datetime2) ApprovalDate





    ,'approved' as ApprovalStatus

    ,'default_data:1' as RequestingUserID

    from CLMEXPM clx

    join ADJMSTR ajm on ajm.ADJNUM=clx.ADJNUM

    join CLMMSTR cm on cm.CLPOL#=clx.CLPOL#

    join POLMSTR pl on cm.CLPOL#=pl.POLNBR

    join CTS.dbo.CTS_CLAIM cts on cm.CLMNBR=cts.CLAIM_ID

    Just add where clause in your second SQL statement

    where clx.aprvdt<>0

    or write case statement in select as

    convert(datetime,CONVERT(nvarchar(27),case when clx.aprvdt=0 then NULL else clx.aprvdt end)) as ADate

    and try....