
    SUM( case when t.TransType_ID = 0 then t.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Adjustment,

    SUM( case when t.TransType_ID = 1 then t.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Topup,

    SUM( case when t.TransType_ID = 2 then t.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Comm,

    SUM( case when t.TransType_ID = 3 then t.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Transfer,

    SUM( case when t.TransType_ID = 4 then t.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_RecvTransfer,

    SUM( case when t.TransType_ID = 2 AND p.Topup_Company='M' then t.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Maxis,

    SUM( case when t.TransType_ID = 2 AND p.Topup_Company='D' then t.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Digi,

    SUM( case when t.TransType_ID = 2 AND p.Topup_Company='C' then t.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Celcom,




    FROM Tbl_Account a

    LEFT JOIN Tbl_Transaction t

    ON a.AccNo = t.Transaction_AccNo

    -- this date arithmetic should provide the same filter as the original

    -- but is SARGable (use Google)

    AND t.Transaction_Date > convert(Date,'16-9-2012', 105)

    AND t.Transaction_Date < convert(Date,'01-10-2012', 105)

    LEFT JOIN Tbl_Topup p ON t.Topup_ID = p.Topup_ID

    OUTER APPLY (-- first transaction of the date range, if there is one

    SELECT TOP 1 Open_Balance = ti.Amount

    FROM Tbl_Transaction ti

    WHERE ti.Transaction_AccNo = a.AccNo -- outer ref

    AND ti.Transaction_Date > convert(Date,'16-9-2012', 105)

    AND ti.Transaction_Date < convert(Date,'01-10-2012', 105)

    ORDER BY ti.Transaction_Date

    ) Option1

    OUTER APPLY (-- largest value of a transaction, if there is one

    SELECT TOP 1 Open_Balance = ti.Amount

    FROM Tbl_Transaction ti

    WHERE ti.Transaction_AccNo = a.AccNo -- outer ref

    AND ti.Transaction_Date > convert(Date,'16-9-2012', 105)

    AND ti.Transaction_Date < convert(Date,'01-10-2012', 105)

    ORDER BY ti.Amount DESC

    ) Option2

    CROSS APPLY ( -- SUM of all the amounts prior to date range

    SELECT Open_Balance = SUM(ti.Amount)

    FROM Tbl_Transaction ti

    WHERE ti.Transaction_AccNo = a.AccNo -- outer ref

    AND ti.Transaction_Date <= convert(Date,'16-9-2012', 105)

    ) Option3

    Group By a.AccNo

    ORDER BY a.AccNo

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden