• Danzz (9/18/2012)

    1)WHen I execute the below SP on publisher. I get the below info, How could I Updated distribution server column with server name instead of Linkedserver_Name, that row below?


    installed |distribution server |distribution db installed |is distribution publisher| has remote distribution publisher

    0 Linkedserver_Name 0 0 0

    2) I am confused, Does the publisher is thinking it as an distributor is configured for linked server.

    3) How could I Update the SELECT * FROM Master.sysservers

    for datasource coulun.

    If your publisher and distributor are on separate boxes, i.e. you have a remote distributor configuration, a linked server will have been configured in order to achieve this - thats how it works. If you look in your Linked Servers container I suspect you will see a 'repl_distributor' there. To get rid of the remote distributor you will need to drop any publications on this server, then run 'exec sp_dropdistributor @no_checks = 1, @ignore_distributor = 1', to remove the distributor.