• runal_jagtap (9/18/2012)

    Thanks Perry 🙂

    Can you give an example, rough pathfilename etc for this syntax query?

    ALTER DATABASE mydb MODIFY FILE(name=logicalname,

    FILENAME='new path and drive\the originalfilename.extension')

    Yes sure. Let's a ssume i have a database named BOB. The result of my first query above produced

    name physical_name

    Bob_data C:\Program Files\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\data\Bob.mdf

    Bob_Log C:\Program Files\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\data\Bob_log.ldf

    I want to move data files to "F:\MSSQL\Data" and logs to "G:\MSSQL\Logs", my statements would be

    ALTER DATABASE [bob] MODIFY FILE(name=Bob_data,


    ALTER DATABASE [bob] MODIFY FILE(name=Bob_log,


    Note: moving system databases such as TEMPDB is a different process to user databases

    runal_jagtap (9/18/2012)

    Also will this approach help in improving perfromance?????????????

    This all depends on how your disk subsystem is made up. Do you have separate physical disks or just logical drives on the same disk set or SAN attached LUNs, etc?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉