Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 - General ASYNC_NETWORK_IO wait type on stored procedure that has finished giving the results to the web application and that is blocking another stored procedure RE: ASYNC_NETWORK_IO wait type on stored procedure that has finished giving the results to the web application and that is blocking another stored procedure

  • When I change the code to use WITH (NOLOCK) for the stored procedure in the constructor of the Update report to the following, I do not seem to get the Timeout Expired error and that stored proc in the constructor of the Update rpt does not seem to have the ASYNC_NETWORK_IO that is blocking the Update stored proc in the Update report's ReportViewer file:

    ALTER Procedure [dbo].[ap_OvenProgramDataByOvenProgramID_3]

    @OvenProgramID int


    -- 11/14/2004 JohnP. - returns all data for a given OvenProgramStepID



    As Begin -- Procedure

    Set NoCount On

    --Declare @Return int

    Select OP.OvenProgramID,OP.OvenID,O.OvenName,OP.OvenProgramID, OP.OvenProgramStart,

    OP.ProbeCount, OP.RunTime,OPS.OvenProgramStepID, OPS.OvenProgramStepName, OPD.OvenProgramDataID,


    Case When StageNumber = '1' And StageRunTime = 0 Then 'START' Else StageNumber End as StageNumber,

    OPD.OvenStageTypeID, OST.OvenStageTypeDescription,OPD.DryBulbSetPoint, OPD.WetBulbSetPoint, OPD.InternalSetPoint,

    OPD.RelativeHumiditySetPoint, OP.ControlType,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.DryBulbValue End as DryBulbValue,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.WetBulbValue End as WetBulbValue,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.InternalValue End as InternalValue,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.RelativeHumidityValue End as RelativeHumidityValue,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData01 End as ProbeData01,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData02 End as ProbeData02,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData03 End as ProbeData03,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData04 End as ProbeData04,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData05 End as ProbeData05,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData06 End as ProbeData06,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData07 End as ProbeData07,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData08 End as ProbeData08,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData09 End as ProbeData09,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData10 End as ProbeData10,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData11 End as ProbeData11,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData12 End as ProbeData12,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData13 End as ProbeData13,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData14 End as ProbeData14,

    OP.Comments,OPD.Accelerated, OPD.PowerFailure, OPD.Disabled

    From dbo.OvenProgram OP WITH (NOLOCK)

    Inner Join dbo.OvenProgramStep OPS

    On OP.OvenProgramID = OPS.OvenProgramID

    Inner Join dbo.OvenProgramData OPD

    On OPS.OvenProgramStepID = OPD.OvenProgramStepID

    Inner Join dbo.Oven O

    On OP.OvenID = O.OvenID

    Inner Join dbo.OvenStageType OST

    On OST.OvenStageTypeID = OPD.OvenStageTypeID

    Where OP.OvenProgramID = @OvenProgramID

    Order By OP.OvenProgramStart, O.OvenName, OPD.StageRunTime, OPD.OvenProgramDataID

    --Select @Return = @@Error


    --Return @Return


    --Goto ProcedureExit

    End -- Procedure

    I have read that I can get "dirty reads" with this approach. This approach seems to work though. I would prefer of course to refrain from using the WITH (NOLOCK) and find the solution to why the Update report's constructor's Select stored procedure gets the ASYNC_NETWORK_IO wait and blocks the Update stored proc.

    I guess that without the WITH (NOLOCK) there is some locking that is not being unlocked and that is causing the ASYNC_NETWORK_IO wait to block the Update stored proc from running.


