Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 - General ASYNC_NETWORK_IO wait type on stored procedure that has finished giving the results to the web application and that is blocking another stored procedure RE: ASYNC_NETWORK_IO wait type on stored procedure that has finished giving the results to the web application and that is blocking another stored procedure

  • By the way, here is the stored proc that is used in the constructor of the Update report. I did not write it. It was written by someone who used to work here. It is the same stored procedure that is used in the Update report of the Windows application.

    USE [PowisData]


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[ap_OvenProgramDataByOvenProgramID] Script Date: 09/10/2012 12:39:37 ******/





    ALTER Procedure [dbo].[ap_OvenProgramDataByOvenProgramID]

    @OvenProgramID int


    -- 11/14/2004 JohnP. - returns all data for a given OvenProgramStepID



    As Begin -- Procedure

    Set NoCount On

    Declare @Return int

    Select OP.OvenProgramID,OP.OvenID,O.OvenName,OP.OvenProgramID, OP.OvenProgramStart,

    OP.ProbeCount, OP.RunTime,OPS.OvenProgramStepID, OPS.OvenProgramStepName, OPD.OvenProgramDataID,


    Case When StageNumber = '1' And StageRunTime = 0 Then 'START' Else StageNumber End as StageNumber,

    OPD.OvenStageTypeID, OST.OvenStageTypeDescription,OPD.DryBulbSetPoint, OPD.WetBulbSetPoint, OPD.InternalSetPoint,

    OPD.RelativeHumiditySetPoint, OP.ControlType,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.DryBulbValue End as DryBulbValue,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.WetBulbValue End as WetBulbValue,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.InternalValue End as InternalValue,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.RelativeHumidityValue End as RelativeHumidityValue,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData01 End as ProbeData01,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData02 End as ProbeData02,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData03 End as ProbeData03,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData04 End as ProbeData04,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData05 End as ProbeData05,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData06 End as ProbeData06,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData07 End as ProbeData07,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData08 End as ProbeData08,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData09 End as ProbeData09,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData10 End as ProbeData10,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData11 End as ProbeData11,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData12 End as ProbeData12,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData13 End as ProbeData13,

    Case When OPD.PowerFailure = 1 Then -999 Else OPD.ProbeData14 End as ProbeData14,

    OP.Comments,OPD.Accelerated, OPD.PowerFailure, OPD.Disabled

    From dbo.OvenProgram OP

    Inner Join dbo.OvenProgramStep OPS

    On OP.OvenProgramID = OPS.OvenProgramID

    Inner Join dbo.OvenProgramData OPD

    On OPS.OvenProgramStepID = OPD.OvenProgramStepID

    Inner Join dbo.Oven O

    On OP.OvenID = O.OvenID

    Inner Join dbo.OvenStageType OST

    On OST.OvenStageTypeID = OPD.OvenStageTypeID

    Where OP.OvenProgramID = @OvenProgramID

    Order By OP.OvenProgramStart, O.OvenName, OPD.StageRunTime, OPD.OvenProgramDataID

    Select @Return = @@Error


    Return @Return


    Goto ProcedureExit

    End -- Procedure

    So I am not sure if this stored procedure is inefficient because it's Select statement is in the Recent Expensive Queries section and I am not experienced enough personally to modify this stored procedure to make it more efficient. Like I said though, sometimes this stored proc does not block the update stored procedure while other times it does. Also, the Complete report opens with no problem and it uses in its constructor this same stored proc but the Complete report's ReportViewer file does not allow the user to update comments.


