• Hello Here is one way.

    Create Flat file Connection in SSIS setting the layout for 1Col

    Create SQL Table:

    CREATE TABLE dbo.Process_Table (

    ID int identity(1,1) not null,

    Column1 varchar(5000) null,

    Nbr_Fields int null)

    Import the whole record into the Process_Table field Column1

    Update the nbr_Fields based on counting how many tabs there are in the record

    Parse all the records that contain the correct number of fields into the appropriate table

    Then you will also have all the records that didn't pass the validations, once the records are imported to the database table, you should be able to parse the records using SQL (substring to parse each column)

    I didn't give you specifics as this should be relatively easy to do, writing the sql will be the most time consuming, any questions just reply to this thread and I will Help.