Home Forums Programming XML Adding New Elements to Existing XML Data RE: Adding New Elements to Existing XML Data

  • arthurolcot (9/10/2012)

    ok, without seeing more of the actual xml it is hard for me to comment on that.

    Fair enough.

    I did review that thread before posting here. It is what inspired the line in my OP, "In practice my XML is much more complicated so I could not reasonably shred and flatten to do the change and the reconstruct via SQL."

    I'm considering a regex solution, I ran across a mention this moring of mdq.XmlTransform at http://beyondrelational.com/modules/2/blogs/111/posts/10204/sql-2008-r2-mds-easter-egg.aspx. Our servers are still running 2008, so that probably doesn't get em there. But I'll be finding out why we haven't upgraded.
