• Ouch this hurt my brain and took me an hour...but it is slick!

    This converts from any base to any base, like hex to decimal or octal.


    William Talada

    Define baseX and baseY

    Pass in a baseX value and it gets converted to baseY

    Currently set to convert hex to binary but can handle any imaginary base.



    @ina varchar(50),

    @baseX varchar(30),

    @baseY varchar(30)

    set @ina = 'FF';

    set @baseX = '0123456789ABCDEF';-- must always start with zero even if never used (column placeholder for numbers like 20, 130, etc).

    set @baseY = '01';-- must always start with zero even if never used (column placeholder).


    @i int,

    @in10 int,

    @div10 int,

    @outB varchar(50),

    @RadixA int,

    @RadixB int;

    set @outB = '';

    set @RadixA = len(@baseX);

    set @RadixB = len(@baseY);

    -- first convert @ina to @in10, base10

    set @ina = reverse(@inA);

    set @i = 1;

    set @in10 = 0;

    while @i <= len(@inA)


    set @in10 = @in10 + ((charindex(substring(@inA, @i, 1), @baseX) - 1) * power(@radixA, @i-1))

    set @i = @i + 1;


    select @in10;

    -- now convert to new base

    set @i = 1;

    while (@in10 / power(@radixB, @i)) > 0

    set @i = @i + 1;-- calculate number of columns needed for destination radix.

    set @i = @i - 1;-- overshot so back up.

    While @i >= 0


    set @div10 = @in10 / power(@radixB, @i);-- get magnitude of left most digit in destination radix.

    set @in10 = @in10 - (@div10 * power(@radixB, @i));-- set remainder

    set @outB = @outB + substring(@baseY, @div10+1, 1);-- build output string

    set @i = @i - 1-- calc next lower magnitude


    select @outB;