• UmaShankar Patel (9/1/2012)

    You need to select query as

    select * from @NumberTable

    order by Convert(numeric,REPLACE(REPLACE(ItemNumber,'ABC-',''),'-xyz','')) asc

    The problem I see with this is that 'ABC' may not always be 'ABC', and 'XYZ' may not always be 'XYZ'. This should do it, albeit maybe a little bulky.



    FROM @NumberTable

    ORDER BY CAST(SUBSTRING(SUBSTRING(ItemNumber,CHARINDEX('-',ItemNumber,1) + 1,LEN(ItemNumber)),1,CHARINDEX('-',SUBSTRING(ItemNumber,CHARINDEX('-',ItemNumber,1)+1,LEN(ItemNumber)),1)-1) AS INT)

    The glass is at one half capacity: nothing more, nothing less.