• valeryk2000 (8/30/2012)


    ==> If you are seeing the tables as read-only, chances are your userID in SQL Server doesn't have permissions to edit or append data.

    But there is no problem for me to get to SQL Server through current Acces front end. May be there is something that I need to change on the Access side? permissions on each table, or else? Please give me more practical details


    In order to connect to SQL Server tables you must specify a specific login name - either SQL Server based, or Integrated Security (which I much prefer). Any user who wants to be able to edit data in a table must either be given explicit permission on that table, or they must belong to a group that has that ability. One solution we use is to make them a member of the dbOwner group, but that does have some downsides, as they can do pretty much anything they want to the entire database.

    On the Access side, unless you activate Access User Security, there is no permissions to set. (By default you connect as "Admin" and that user can do anything they want to the database.) However, the SQL Server table must have a primary key set if you link to it and want to edit it. Otherwise, Access treats it as read-only. The same is true of local tables (including temporary ones) unless you explicity create a primary key when you create them.

    Hope that helps.


    Evergreen, CO

    Colorful Colorado
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