• thadeushuck (8/29/2012)

    This is how it starts. Steve wants us to police our language at work. Then the government passes laws banning curse words at work and at home for the children's sake. Next thing you know they will take away my assualt rifles, tobacco and ammo stash so I will be aggitated chewing nicotine gumm & unprotected with only my assorted small arms, shotguns and rambo knives when the aliens come to eat us. WTF?:w00t:

    😛 ======= 😛

    Too late! Already heard of a community here in the U.S. that is giving tickets for profanity on the street.

    I don't have kids so I dodged that ... (Wait, I can't use that word in the same sentance that reffers children.)

    I'm already in trouble with my small arms. No, wait! That's thin[/u] arms. :w00t:

    If the "aliens" do come to eat us would they have entered the country llegally?

    😛 ======= 😛

    I do make sure that I watch what I say at work. This comes from my days behind the microphone in radio though. You learn fast when several thousand people are paying attention to every breath you take. I reccomend it highly. Always pretend that everyone in the world hears everything you say. It's just like knowing that everyone in the world reads every word that you write. Right?

    ATBCharles Kincaid