• I am a shadow IT warrior. Unlike most, I have a long (30+yrs) background and high respect for the principles that undergird IT. I exist (and am well-paid for it...) for exactly the reason you stated. The IT department take weeks or months to simply approve studying a new project, however small or large, then many more months until the project reaches the top of the list (if ever...) and then it is either no longer needed or business conditions have changed and the original URS no longer applies. If the project is undertaken, it suffers seriously from the IT group's distance away from the site, and its complete lack of business skills.

    Having said that, I routinely say to my client: "You should ask your IT folks to do that for you. It's not appropriate for me to do it." They always respond by saying I will be tasked to do it.

    Fortunately for them, I follow strict IT guidelines, back up my work, create appropriate security and recoverability, and ensure that my clients are well-trained and could transfer my work to their IT group with a minimum of difficulty if I were to die or become otherwise unable to serve them. That's my responsibility, I bill them for it, and they pay the bill.

    I am sad, though, that we're in this position. Few "shadow warriors" are as careful and experienced as I am.

