Home Forums SQL Server 2005 Administering Configure Log Shipping Between SQL 2005 and SQL2008 RE: Configure Log Shipping Between SQL 2005 and SQL2008

  • Sachin Butala-182900 (8/27/2012)


    If we keep SQL 2005 as primary and 2008 as secondry :-

    The databases don't get upgraded along the way. The upgrade doesn't occur until the database is recovered. For this reason, it is not possible to log ship up version in stand-by mode. You can do it if you leave the database offline (restoring mode). If you try to use stand-by mode, you'll get an error message stating that the backup is from a different version of SQL Server becuase it can't run crash recovery until the database is upgraded.

    What is your motivation behind Log Shipping? Log shipping is often used to provide a warm standby. If you use it in this way and you need to fail over to the standby server, you now have no way to swap the log shipping roles, as you can't then log ship back from the 2008 server to the 2005 server.




    While it is possible to configure the log shipping from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008, keep it in mind that once you performed the failover you will not be able to restore your databases back on SQL Server 2005 again.

    Sujeet Singh