• I am not sure but I think he is looking something like this ; and I am still scratching my head to do this in a proper way..

    CREATE TABLE #Trips(

    Origin VARCHAR(50)

    ,Destination VARCHAR(50)

    ,Tonnage FLOAT


    INSERT INTO #Trips(Origin, Destination, Tonnage)


    ('Alabama', 'Arizona', 0.0012),

    ('Alabama', 'Idaho', 1.2),

    ('Idaho', 'Alaska', 644),

    ('Arizona', 'Alaska', 665),

    ('Arizona', 'Alabama', 788),

    ('Alabama', 'Texas', 12),

    ('Idaho', 'Alabama', 666),

    ('Alaska', 'Idaho', 456),

    ('Alaska', 'Idaho', 0),

    ('Arizona', 'Michigan', 0)

    CREATE TABLE #Trips1(

    Origin VARCHAR(50)

    ,Destination VARCHAR(50)

    ,Tonnage FLOAT


    declare @originA varchar(50),@DestinationA varchar(50),@originB varchar(50),@destinationB varchar(50),

    @tonnageA float,@tonnageB float

    declare trip_cursor cursor for

    SELECT distinct a.origin as originA ,

    a.destination As destinationA,

    a.tonnage As tonnageA,

    b.origin as originB,

    b.destination as destinationB,

    b.tonnage as tonnageB FROM #Trips a

    outer apply #trips b

    where a.Origin=b.Destination

    and a.Destination=b.Origin

    and a.tonnage<>0

    and b.tonnage<>0

    open trip_cursor

    fetch next from trip_cursor into

    @originA ,@DestinationA ,@tonnageA,@originB ,@destinationB


    while @@FETCH_STATUS=0


    insert into #Trips1 values (@originA,@DestinationA,@tonnageA)

    insert into #Trips1 values (@originB,@DestinationB,@tonnageB)

    fetch next from trip_cursor into

    @originA ,@DestinationA ,@tonnageA,@originB ,@destinationB



    close trip_cursor

    deallocate trip_cursor

    insert into #Trips1 (origin,destination,tonnage) select origin,destination,tonnage from #Trips where Tonnage<>0

    except select origin,destination,tonnage from #Trips1-- where tonnage <>0

    select * from #Trips1

    drop table #Trips1

    still looking for a good solution; it's weekend 😛

    ~ demonfox
    Wondering what I would do next , when I am done with this one :ermm: