• Rod at work (8/24/2012)

    I rarely have to write an UPDATE query that uses more than 1 table. Today I did, and I came across an example of doing that in BOL, which uses UPDATE FROM. I ran my query and it appears to have done example what I wanted done, which is good.

    However, before I ran the query I did a Bing search and found that UPDATE FROM is deprecated ("Deprecate UPDATE FROM and DELETE FROM" on Microsoft Connect). According to the referred to article the ANSI standard MERGE statement instead, but again according to that article it looks like it was introduced in SQL 2008. I'm using SQL 2005, so does that mean I'm stuck with having to use UPDATE FROM?

    UPDATE FROM and DELETE FROM are not depreciated. That was a request to depreciate the proprietry syntax available in SQL Server.

    As far as I know, the UPDATE FROM and DELETE FROM have been a part of SQL Server since I started using it with SQL Server 6.5. With that, I would be surprised if it wasn't a part of SQL Server before that as well.