• AppSup_dba (8/24/2012)

    Hi ,

    I am trying to use SQLCMD to run a SQL Script. The script is of type.

    Begin tran

    Delete .....

    Insert .....

    Commit tran

    The output captured doesnt show the proper output. Only rows affected by the DELETE statement is captured. Rows affected by the insert statement is not captured.

    My SQLCMD statement looks like....

    master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'sqlcmd -SABC -d DEF -u -i "G:\fct_t.sql" -o "G:\fct_t.txt"'

    Please help!!!

    This is not very clear to me.

    What output are you referring to? You would not typically expect any if you action an Insert or Delete unless you are reading from the Inserted/Deleted Tables?