Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server Newbies DBCC SHRINKFILE failing with error Msg 3140, Level 16, State 5, Line 1, Could not adjust the space allocation for file RE: DBCC SHRINKFILE failing with error Msg 3140, Level 16, State 5, Line 1, Could not adjust the space allocation for file

  • Are there any other files in the FingerprintCatalogue_002 filegroup?

    No. All file groups have been created with a single data file.

    Does the filegroup house tables with LOB data?

    No I don't think so. As this is all new to me and it is a 3rd party application/database installation I used the following query, which I got from the internet, to check for LOB data, feel free to correct it or suggest an alternative method:

    select SO.Name as [Table], COL.name as [ColumnName], COL.system_type_id, TYP.name as [Type Name], SFG.groupname as 'Filegroup'

    from sysobjects as SO

    join sysindexes as SI

    on SO.Id = SI.id

    join sysfilegroups as SFG

    on SI.GroupId = SFG.GroupId

    join sys.columns as COL

    on COL.object_id = SO.id

    join sys.types as TYP

    on COL.system_type_id = TYP.system_type_id

    where sfg.groupname like 'FingerprintCatalogue%'

    and TYP.system_type_id in (35,34,241,99)

    order by SO.Name , SFG.GroupName