• --The problem with your code Luiz is that it is calculating the two periods together, but the date_block (20120406) is between the second period, so I need a way of only calculating up until the date_block (20120406) . The figure of depr I need from the below sql is 3925.58, this figure is made up of 24 months at 151..45 and 2 months at 145.39 . It seems the query is not taking into account the Date_block date.

    Declare @date as datetime

    set @date ='20120731'

    DECLARE @vehicle TABLE (

    unitnr int,

    value decimal( 18, 8), --changed the data type

    date_block datetime, --changed the data type

    type_fleet char(2), --added column

    platenr char(9)) --added column

    DECLARE @Vehicle_Depreciations TABLE (

    Start_Date datetime,

    End_Date datetime,

    Vehicle_Depreciation_Value decimal( 18, 8), --changed the data type

    unitnr int)

    --Changed ALL dates format

    INSERT @Vehicle

    SELECT 29, 8057.85, '20120406', 'of', '08D12345'

    INSERT @Vehicle_Depreciations

    SELECT '20100301', '20120229' ,151.45,29 UNION ALL

    SELECT '20120301', '20140801' ,145.39, 29

    select 'For Sale' as Type,





    --vd.Start_Date, --If you uncomment this fields, you'll get a detail for each depreciation period


    v.Date_Block ,


    sum(CASE WHEN vd.END_DATE >@DATE--checks if end_date is greater than the date passed

    THEN DATEDIFF(MONTH,vd.START_DATE,DATEADD(day,1,@DATE))--determines the months of depreciation from start_date till date passed

    WHEN vd.END_DATE > v.Date_Block-- checks if end_date is past Date_Blocked for sale

    THEN DATEDIFF(MONTH,vd.START_DATE,v.Date_Block) --if so, then determines the months of depreciation from start_Date till dat_blocked

    ELSE DATEDIFF(MONTH,vd.START_DATE,vd.END_DATE+1) END * vd.Vehicle_Depreciation_Value )AS depr --determines the months of depreciation between start_date and end_date

    from @vehicle v inner join @Vehicle_Depreciations vd on v.unitnr = vd.UnitNr

    WHERE v.Date_Block is not null

    group by v.unitnr, v.value, v.Date_Block,v.platenr, v.Type_Fleet