• mY database will be corrupted [font="Arial"][/font].so how to recovery the corrupt database??????( i have little bit confusing.because of iam using below script reocvery the database :


    exec sp_resetstatus 'Corrupt2K8'

    alter database Corrupt2K8 set emergency

    dbcc checkdb('Corrupt2K8')

    alter database Corrupt2K8 set single_user with rollback immediate

    dbcc checkdb('Corrupt2K8', REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS)

    alter database Corrupt2K8 set multi_user ))

    NOTE: some points for consideration:

    Then restore My database from a backup - but make sure to run DBCC CHECKDB on that very backup to ensure it's not corrupt itself.

    DBCC CHECKDB with REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS is the very last resort . Before that, you should restore a valid backup. Once you do use REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS, don't expect your database to magically come back to life again - most likely, irreparable damage has occurred - especially in this case since it complains about system table corruption.

    Thank you in advance

    SQL server DBA