• It's very interesting how this starts as a concatenation theme, but now it has become an implicit conversion issue. By the way, the only implicit conversion in wich I trust is string to datetime. It will always works if the string provided is in 'yyyymmdd' format.

    declare @s-2 nvarchar(8)

    , @d1 datetime

    , @d2 datetime

    , @d3 datetime

    set @s-2 = '20120821'

    set dateformat dmy;

    set @d1 = @s-2

    select @d1 as date1

    set dateformat mdy;

    set @d2 = @s-2

    select @d2 as date2

    set dateformat ymd;

    set @d3 = @s-2

    select @d3 as date3
