Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Improving query performance to detect first duplicate RE: Improving query performance to detect first duplicate

  • ^^^ lol. I need to change the moniker.

    Here is a revised version eliminating the GROUP BY and/or DISTINCT clauses. I especially dislike using either of those to return non-aggregated data. Most of the time there is always a better and more efficient way to write the query.

    SELECT s1.SaleID,LocationID

    FROM #Sale s1

    INNER JOIN #SaleLocationXref SLX1 ON S1.SaleID = SLX1.SaleID --Find location


    SELECT 1

    FROM #Sale s2

    INNER JOIN #SaleLocationXref SLX2 ON s2.SaleID = SLX2.SaleID --Find location

    INNER JOIN #SaleItemXref SIX2 ON SIX2.SaleID = s2.SaleID --Find item

    WHERE s1.SaleID <> s2.SaleID --Make sure that we are comparing two different SaleIDs

    AND s1.SaleStart <= s2.SaleEnd --Make sure that they fall within date ranges of each other

    AND s2.SaleStart <= s1.SaleEnd --^^

    AND SLX2.LocationID = SLX1.LocationID --Where s1 and s2 have the same location id


    SELECT 1

    FROM #SaleItemXref SIX

    WHERE SIX.SaleID = s1.SaleID --Find sale item for record s1

    AND SIX.ItemID = SIX2.ItemID --Make sure sale item from s1 has a matching record in s2

