• JeremyE (8/20/2012)

    This should do it

    CREATE TABLE #srvroles(ServerRole VARCHAR(20), Membername VARCHAR(200), MEMBERSID VARBINARY(MAX))


    INSERT #srvroles EXEC sp_helpsrvrolemember

    SELECT 'EXEC master..sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = N'+''''+MemberName+''''+','+'@rolename = N'+''''+ServerRole+''''

    FROM #srvroles


    DROP TABLE #srvroles

    That will give you Fixed Server Role memberships. You'll also need to consult the sys.server_permissions System View to gain the complete picture.

    Edit: as a side note sp_addsrvrolemember was marked obsolete in SQL Server 2012 so if this code is going in your toolbox you may want to consider using ALTER SERVER ROLE instead on 2012 instances.

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