• There are A LOT of things left out here:

    1. If your stored procedures are supposed to carry out the audit trail capabilities you will be MIXING Audit Logic with Business like logic with in my opinion is a BAD thing, complicates the procedures and Makes it Harder to further modify.

    2. A trigger would fire ONCE per STATEMENT with that in mind if you need to load data of several records at a time stored procedures will be a bad idea from the performance stand point if you compare it with statements like:

    INSERT TBL(...)

    SELECT fld1,fld2,...

    UNION ALL SELECT fld1,fld2,...


    3. In Triggers is a lot easier to tune to the field level change in case you decide that audit should be performed only if certain column(s) change due to the built in UPDATED() facility

    4. Table structure does not necessarily has to be with an Identical Mirrored Table you could use

    Create Table ( id int , TranasctionType char(1), tableName varchar(10), Pkey varchar(10), FieldName varchar(40), Oldvalue varchar(200), NewValue varchar(200)&nbsp Simplifying A LOT the Storage and Flexibility of the audited Solution. Try that with Procedures mixing the logic and getting fairly good results 

    5. IF any of the Tables Has the CASCADE DELETE ON, the sp will be BLIND to child tables modification or if you try to compensate for that it will become increasingly difficult to code as the hierarchy gets deeper,  which won't happen in the case of the Triggers

    6. Scriptability of Audit logic can be achieved by both but I have found fairly common that some procedures are usually tuned independently and that is another reason to keep audit logic separated

    All in all the explanation of syscaheobject was well presented and it could be a nice starting point to those who want to learn about performance. The intention of my explanation here is just to demonstrate that there is NOT a clear cut to one approach or the other as the article seems to point out and to shed some light on things that were NOT even mentioned in favor of the chosen solution.



    * Noel