• DECLARE @Latitude float = 8.4827

    DECLARE @Longitude float = 76.9192

    DECLARE @ID int = 1

    UPDATE [dbo].[LocationCopy]


    LocationGeography = geography::STGeomFromText('POINT('+CAST(@Latitude AS Varchar)+' '+CAST(@Longitude AS Varchar)+' )', 4326)

    WHERE LocationID = @ID

    SELECT CAST(LocationGeography AS varchar(max)) FROM dbo.LocationCopy


    DECLARE @Latitude float = 8.4827

    DECLARE @Longitude float = 76.9192

    DECLARE @ID int = 1

    UPDATE [dbo].[LocationCopy]


    LocationGeography = geography::Point(@Latitude, @Longitude, 4326)

    WHERE LocationID = @ID

    SELECT CAST(LocationGeography AS varchar(max)) FROM dbo.LocationCopy


    After executing the updation with geography::STGeomFromText method

    there is no change in the latitude,longitude order in the result

    POINT (8.4827 76.9192)

    but when i use geography::Point method there is a change in the latitude,longitude order in the result

    POINT (76.9192 8.4827)

    Why this happen?I am planning to use this to find nearby places, if the order get change doesn't it affect the distance.

    One more question isn't the POINT method is fastest as there is no conversion..