• timothy.shawley (8/13/2012)

    One issue - the Leap Day calculation is missing one constraint - February does not have 29 days in Centuries not divisible by 400, ie 2100 will be 28 days, but 2000 was 29 days.

    Otherwise the script looks like it works like a charm...

    That's what I saw, but it can easily be corrected if you add two conditions to the CASE

    set @TotalMonthDays = case when @currentMonth in (1,3,5,7,8,10,12) then 31

    when @currentMonth in (4,6,9,11) then 30

    when @currentMonth = 2 and @YearNo % 400 = 0 then 29

    when @currentMonth = 2 and @YearNo % 100 = 0 then 28

    when @currentMonth = 2 and @YearNo % 4 = 0 then 29

    when @currentMonth = 2 and @YearNo % 4 > 0 then 28

    Luis C.
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