Home Forums Data Warehousing Analysis Services refresh Excel report based on Offline-SSAS-Cube (a *.cub-File) not possible RE: refresh Excel report based on Offline-SSAS-Cube (a *.cub-File) not possible

  • thanks for your answer.

    yes, I've heard that cub files will not be developed any further. very sick, as they are a good (and the only one I know) way of being able to make flexible reporting offline. Hope they will live long enough 'till the offline specification is not requested by our users any more.

    Does anyone know another way to make flexible offline reporting for end-users with a reasonable speed?

    Thanks for the Tipp with CubeSlice, I'll have a look at it.

    What's the advantage of the assl model? Read about smaller cubes and performance improvements, at the moment this is not a problem within our "create local cube" solution.