• Dear Gabriel

    Following my previous post, below is my attempt to solve the following problem:

    Calculating a single ema on a table of data that contains the closing price of approximately 15000 securities.

    As a newbie, I have tried to use your code, but am experiencing the following problem.

    The ema requires the calculation of the sma.

    Therefore, if I'm calculating a 12period ema, I would first have to calculate the 12 period sma on the 13th day. This is achieved by:

    ---Capture the averages prior to the start of the EMA interval period

    select @initial_sma = AVG(case

    when n<@ema_intervals then tClose

    else null



    FROM zpData_mod

    WHERE n<@ema_intervals

    However, when there are multiple securities, the above code calculates the average for n<12 for ALL securities.

    I have tried to solve this by grouping

    ---the grouping doesn't work

    ---group by instrumentid

    GROUP BY instrumentid

    Below, I have all the code:

    DROP TABLE zpData_mod

    ---=====Setup working table for EMAs





    ,CAST (NULL AS DECIMAL(10,5)) [EMA12]

    INTO zpData_mod

    FROM zpData

    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX ix_n ON zpData_mod (InstrumentID, tdate)

    ---declare variables needed

    declare @ema_intervals int, @k1 decimal(4,3)

    declare @prev_instrumentid int

    declare @prev_ema decimal(9,4), @initial_sma decimal(9,4)

    declare @anchor int

    ---Setup the default intervals

    set @ema_intervals =12

    set @k1 = 2/(1+@ema_intervals+.000)

    set @prev_instrumentid=0

    ---Capture the averages prior to the start of the EMA interval period

    select @initial_sma = AVG(case

    when n<@ema_intervals then tClose

    else null



    FROM zpData_mod

    WHERE n<@ema_intervals

    ---the grouping doesn't work

    ---group by instrumentid

    GROUP BY instrumentid

    ---Carry over update statement

    update t1

    ---case statement to handle @moving_sum variable

    ---depending on the value of n


    @prev_ema=case when n<@ema_intervals then null

    when n=@ema_intervals then t1.tClose*@k1 +@initial_sma*(1-@k1)

    when n>@ema_intervals then t1.tClose*@k1 +@prev_ema*(1-@k1)



    @anchor =N ---anchor so that the carryover works

    FROM zpData_mod t1 with (tablockx)

    option (maxdop 1)

    select N, tDate




    FROM zpData_mod