• Here's my version of a Calendar table;

    I put a bit of time into it putting in various US holidays, which might be of some help as well.

    my date range is from SQL beginning of time(1900-01-01) to getdate() + 100 years .


    Mark's example has some nice calculated columns in it ; mine is not quite so thourough as his is:

    the final table has a definition that looks like this:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TallyCalendar] (

    [TheDate] datetime NOT NULL,

    [DayOfWeek] varchar(50) NULL,

    [IsHoliday] bit NULL DEFAULT ((0)),

    [IsWorkHoliday] bit NULL DEFAULT ((0)),

    [IsWeekDay] bit NULL DEFAULT ((0)),

    [IsWeekEnd] bit NULL DEFAULT ((0)),

    [IsDaylightSavings] bit NULL DEFAULT ((0)),

    [HolidayName] varchar(100) NULL,

    [LunarPhase] varchar(50) NULL,

    [IsoWeek] int NULL,

    [IsWorkDay] AS (case when [IsWorkHoliday]=(1) OR ([DayOfWeek]='Sunday' OR [DayOfWeek]='Saturday') then (0) else (1) end) PERSISTED,

    [JulianDay] AS (datediff(day,dateadd(year,datediff(year,(0),[TheDate]),(0)),[TheDate])+(1)) PERSISTED,

    [YearNumber] AS (datepart(year,[Thedate])) PERSISTED,

    [MonthNumber] AS (datediff(month,dateadd(year,datediff(year,(0),[TheDate]),(0)),[TheDate])+(1)) PERSISTED,

    [DayNumber] AS (datediff(day,dateadd(month,datediff(month,(0),[TheDate]),(0)),[TheDate])+(1)) PERSISTED,




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