Home Forums SQL Server 2005 T-SQL (SS2K5) Select from stored proc for many records where single record ID being passed in RE: Select from stored proc for many records where single record ID being passed in

  • I'll second (third?) the delimited string splitter technique and use an inline table function for a single parameter set.

    XML is an excellent alternative in 2k5 for when you have pairs (or more) of associated data that needs to be passed down and you'd be forced to multi-split the string to rows then columns.

    For those curious, I've done a bit of dinking around with the table parameter passing (particularly trying to see if I can get our infuriating ORM to behave its damned self in a way the devs won't push so hard back on). I've caused serious optimization shortfalls at the same level of table variables in general. No statistics, etc. These are avoided by taking the table parameter and stuffing it into an indexed #temp. Just throwing that out there.

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