• jeff.mason (8/2/2012)

    opc.three (8/2/2012)

    jeff.mason (8/2/2012)

    If someone wants to add a column to the middle of a table, they should get better SQL training.

    This is exactly what Microsoft is up against. They have to provide for all things from all comers. Someone of your skill level is not their target audience when it comes to the Table Designer 🙂

    So what's their excuse for their own CRM product?

    It sounds like you may be trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, i.e. misusing replication in your CRM environment. Move to 2012 as soon as possible or adjust your approach.

    From whitepaper Sharing_Data_Across_CRM_Deployments_WP.pdf:

    SQL Server Replication can be used for scenarios in which a CRM system needs to share readonly

    copies of data with other CRM systems. This technique is applicable only for scenarios in

    which entities have a static data schema and a limited number of relationships; it is not

    recommended for sharing transactional data. This approach also requires that the schema of

    the shared data be the same on the Publisher and Subscriber CRM systems. It is important to

    note that if the schema of the data needs to be changed (via CRM customization), the

    replication relationship has to be suspended, customizations applied on both the Publisher and

    Subscriber instances, and replication relationship reestablished.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.