• CELKO (8/1/2012)

    have a suggestion Mr. Celko, and it may save you a lot of typing in the future. Look at all your (imho, not so useful) posts and write up a few SQL Spakle articles. then all you need to post is the urls (and you could put those in your sig block, saving more typing) for those articles then add any thread specific comments that may be appropriate.

    I tried posting links to my articles back when I had regular columns in DBP&D and DBMS magazines. People hated that; their response was "but where is my answer? I want it now! I want it here!" If they were willing to click over to an article, they still wanted a summary or to get the generic code re-written to their particular situation. Then the other posters who had not seen the article would gripe about being left out. Or they would read the article and shot off on a tangent from some part of it that did apply to the original topic.

    So I built a "cut&paste" set of single topic short replies. This seems to have worked for the last two decades. But you might be right; we did not have places like "Spakle" to leave short stock answers in the old days.

    Right now I have about 40 articles on Simple_Talk and ~100 short clips in my stock pile. And ~1200 articles total, but there is redundancy there. Still, that will not fit into a signature block. Remember, my "not so useful posts" have made me one of the best selling SQL author on Earth 😛

    Yea, and your not so useful posts have made sure that I will never buy any of your books nor recommend them to any one I know.