• Good news that you have a suitable stored procedure working.

    I think I have run across the timeout issue myself and I think all I have done is to increase the timeout to 600.

    A pass-through query is named this because that is what it does. It passes the SQL statement through to the database server which executes the statement. Nothing is being done by Access other than to wait for a response. This is the great value of this type of query when dealing with datasets as all the work is done on the db server with only the results being passed back to Access. This is contrary to an Access query which pulls all the data from all the tables in the query back to the local machine before it does any processing of that data - one of the reasons IT dislikes Access apps.

    So don't be afraid to experiment with the timeout option. There have been occassions when I have set it as large as 1200. It is also possible that it takes longer for the sp to process when initiated from Access as opposed to running from Management Studio so you need to allow for that. The main goal however, is to get it working. We can explore ways in fine tuning performance as another issue.
