• Hehe, I'm just about to hit the one-year mark in SQL programming for a living, and while it's been great so far, the place I work at doesn't quite qualify as my dream workplace. The work is very feast-or-famine in nature, and I just got done with the biggest feast I've had here so far, which sadly only lasted for a month. I really do enjoy programming in SQL and all of the research that goes into learning new and better ways to program, but not being able to put that knowledge to use constantly drags me down a little.

    I'd like to be able to work on coding, and be challenged by the work, on a consistent basis. Working steadily towards a goal, incorporating new techniques, and refactoring my work to make it even better is a very fulfilling process to me, and the current office routine of doing a week or two of programming, followed by a month or more of nothing but meetings, is less than ideal.

    I certainly do have plans to move on from here at some point, though! I'll be attending Chattanooga's DevLink conference next month, both to gobble up all the information I can as well as trying to network and make some connections that could hopefully develop into a job opportunity in the future. I might not be completely satisfied at this job, but I won't sit around without a plan, either! 🙂

    - 😀