• I'm never wrong. I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

    I've heard this put many ways, but this editorial was one of the best. My degree is in computer SCIENCE. If we are truly scientists, then we should act like that. We should not act like the engineers at Morton-Thiokol and "take off off our engineer hats and put on our marketing hats" and make a decision that results in a Space Shuttle blowing up. We should act like the older scientist who, when his Noble prize winning idea is proven to be wrong, he applauds it. "Wrong" is really the wrong word. It should be "out of date" or "new evidence has shown" or "here is an alternative worth considering". I'm not trying to sugar coat, I'm saying we are wrong when we don't have the right data or just missed something, like I said, "mistaken".