• Very nice little article from some years ago! Thanks.

    I agree with others that just dropping obsolete objects is a dangerous task, especially when you just got the job and don't know the schema very well.

    I would also add a prefix to these obsolete objects (like another user suggested) so they will be grouped together in the Object Explorer or when querying the database. Also if a table has an "EntryDate" column it'd be a little easier to know when it was last used or not.

    Now if it's absolutely necessary to drop those objects (because of disk space or something) I'd script them using the SSMS' "Generate Scripts Wizard" including structure and data to files so I could easily restore them if I delete something that shouldn't. If a database is not so big, I just save a private COPY_ONLY backup to a special place (or two) instead.

    When there are humans involved there's always the risk of something going terribly wrong. 😀

    Best regards,

    Andre Guerreiro Neto

    Database Analyst