• Chris.C-977504 (6/15/2012)

    It's a shame that some posters seem to be on the 'hate the rich/managers/etc' political position, because this is actually a good question that we should think about.

    Excellent point. Years ago I had a friend tell me "You will always get what you need, you may never get what you want."

    In the US 99% of those demanding "wealth redistribution" do so based on their wants and not on their needs. It's not the greed of others that is the problem. It's their own greed and individual choices that keep them dissatisfied.

    Disagree? Look at the people that have come out of abject poverty and/or from other countries that have made it to the top here. They did it by looking for opportunities and making things happen. IE, by exploiting change.

    The world will always change around you whether you want it to or not. Those that look for opportunity in the change and work hard to exploit it do quite well in this world. Those of us that sit around complaining about the change fall behind and eventually become extinct.