• Koen Verbeeck (6/13/2012)

    ako58 (6/13/2012)

    The DAC port is assigned dynamically by SQL Server during startup. When connecting to the default instance, the DAC avoids using a SQL Server Resolution Protocol (SSRP) request to the SQL Server Browser Service when connecting. It first connects over TCP port 1434. If that fails, it makes an SSRP call to get the port. If SQL Server Browser is not listening for SSRP requests, the connection request returns an error. Refer to the error log to find the port number DAC is listening on. If SQL Server is configured to accept remote administration connections, the DAC must be initiated with an explicit port number:

    sqlcmd –Stcp:<server>,<port>

    The SQL Server error log lists the port number for the DAC, which is 1434 by default. If SQL Server is configured to accept local DAC connections only, connect using the loopback adapter using the following command:

    sqlcmd –S127.0.0.1,1434

    So your copy pasting skills are still intact. What is the point you are trying to make?

    I suspect the point he is attempting to make is that a competent administrator will succede, not fail, because if he knows the port numbers he can connect using sqlcmd. Service Broker is just one option for knowing the port numbers, there are others.

    However, the second half of the passage he quotes is utterly irrelevant since the question specifies that the port concerned is not used by SQL. A port is chosen (and logged) by the default instance as well as by the others. It's very poor practise indeed to qote a large chunk of BoL page with no indication at all that it is a quotation and no indication where the quotation comes from.

    Incidentally, I think the choice of a Service Broker page as the reference for this question is a bad one; when that page says you can't use DAC it actually means that you can't use DAC if you use SB to get the port numbers. A reference to a page about DAC would have been better.
