Home Forums Programming XML How to add a specific new attribute in all elements of every node in any given xml RE: How to add a specific new attribute in all elements of every node in any given xml

  • No problem.

    I did spend a few minutes today and came up with the following rather simplistic/crude script which may offer some kind of option for you. I don't really like this personally and it hasn't been tested at all (other than the one example) so feel free to do with it as you wish. I don't know how it will handle large or deep xml structures either. It does rely on another function called XMLTable which is blogged here: http://beyondrelational.com/modules/2/blogs/28/posts/10495/xquery-lab-58-select-from-xml.aspx which you'll need first.

    The idea of this script is that it breaks down the xml to a flat table and then reconstructs the xml back again whilst adding in an new attribute into every node.

    DECLARE @xml XML

    SET @xml = '<books>









    --declare variable to hold column information and set to empty string


    SET @cols = ''

    --create string of all columns in the xml and set the column alias to the fullpath in the xml

    --add in the new attribute as part of the columns

    --use the xmltable function from Jacob Sebastian

    SELECT @cols = @cols + '''1'' as ''' + FullPath + '/@new_attribute'', ''' + ISNULL(Value, '') + ''' as ''' + FullPath + ''','

    FROM dbo.XMLTable(@xml)

    --declare sql variable and construct the dynamic sql statement with the columns


    SET @SQL = 'select ' + LEFT(@cols, LEN(@cols) - 1) + ' FOR XML PATH('''')'


    EXEC sys.sp_executesql @SQL