• Ron, thank you for the easy question.

    roger.plowman (5/30/2012)

    You know, if you took out the transaction the answer would be exactly the same? How then is this a transaction? 🙂

    Still say having SET XACT_ABORT OFF as the default is broken, buggy behavior. Because it means *it is not a transaction*.


    And please don't quibble that "it acts like a transaction sometimes and sometimes it doesn't". That's not a transaction, folks.

    This happens in this specific example, it doesn't mean it always happens with any transaction.

    L' Eomot Inversé (5/30/2012)

    Well, I'll growl "it acts like a transaction at all times - at least to the extent that the isolation level you've chosen supports transactions" (which, for the default isolation level READ COMMITTED, is pretty close to not at all).

    Something is a transaction if it has the ACID properties, which are nothing to do with handling errors internal to the transaction; it isn't a transaction if it doesn't have those properties. End of story.


    "El" Jerry.

    "El" Jerry.

    "A watt of Ottawa" - Gerardo Galvan

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